Summer is the time when we travel the most by road. Going on vacation and getting to the places that we have chosen to rest is the reward for a year of hard work, but it can also become a nightmare if we do not take into account details such as the good condition of our vehicle or have an inaccurate sense of how long a trip will take.

In order to be able to travel by road with peace of mind, also in the summer, here are some tips that will allow us to reach our destination with the certainty of having enjoyed the journey and without disappointment:


Checking the condition of the car is always necessary, but in summer, proper maintenance ensures that it will not leave us stranded on the road at the worst moment.

Remember to check the condition of the tires, the brake fluid, the water, and oil levels, etc., the correct operation of the lights… And to be completely sure that our car is in good shape, it is advisable to take it to a mechanic.


The ideal, as the poet sang, is to travel light, but since we know that this is difficult and that, in the end, suitcases will stretch the capacity of the trunk, it is very important to load it making sure that we do not block the visibility areas of the vehicle, both on the sides and on the rear windshield. In addition, it is important to ensure that there are no loose elements that could fly about in the event of braking or an accident, which could be dangerous for the passengers.

But if you want advice, travel only with what is necessary. Not only will you make the car lighter and perform better on the road, but all passengers will travel in comfort.


The destination you have chosen to spend your holidays may be new to you. In this case, it is highly recommended to study the route you are going to follow before embarking on the trip. Do not leave everything to GPS because these devices can also fail. And even if they do not, knowing which roads you should take, what alternatives you have if any of them are closed or too busy, how many gas stations you will find along the way, where there are rest areas, etc., can help make your trip go smoothly. You can even find places where you can make a tourist stop, which is the really pleasant thing about traveling.

Planning the trip also means knowing when traffic will be busy and temperatures high so you can avoid traveling at that time. If you start off first thing in the morning, when everyone is working, or late in the afternoon, you will have a better chance of avoiding traffic jams. Likewise, at those times the temperature will be lower, and you will avoid the worst of the heat. Ideally, the interior of the vehicle should be between 21 and 23 degrees, so a good air conditioning system is essential to travel without suffering from the heat.


With this we do not intend to talk about fashion or any type of dress codewhen traveling, but keep in mind that the more comfortable the clothes you wear when you are driving, the more pleasant the experience will be. Opt for garments that allow you to move freely, since you will have time to wear your best clothes when you are at your destination. Choose shoes with which you can operate the pedals safely, and wear sunglasses to avoid glare and eyestrain when the sun is at its brightest.


The day before leaving on a trip, try to sleep well and be rested. It is something that seems obvious, but we do not always take the wheel in the best conditions.

Remember to take bottles of water to stay hydrated during the trip and don’t forget to take a break every two hours or 200 km when you make long journeys. Stretching your legs, changing your position, and stopping for some fresh air will help you stay alert and attentive to the road.

If you are going to stop to eat during the trip, eat well but not too copiously, so you will avoid drowsiness. And, of course, avoid alcohol.

Now that you have remembered all this, there is only one thing left for you to do this summer: enjoy yourself!

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